
Cash getting a little tight? Take advantage of LMCU’s Skip-a-Payment program to ease your financial burdens.

How it works:

Skip-a-Payment allows you to skip a regular monthly loan payment for a low $25 fee. You can skip two payments in any calendar year (nonconsecutive months).

  • Log on to online banking
  • Click on the “Services” tab
  • Click the “Skip-a-Payment” option
  • Select the loans that are eligible and that you would like to skip

You can also print a form by clicking here. Then return the form to any branch location.

Requirements/Stipulations: Mortgages, mobile homes, home equity loans, credit cards, and lines of credit cannot be skipped. Eligible loans must be current to qualify (previous month's payment made). Skip-a-Payment form must be received before the loan's next month's payment is due. Only two payments may be skipped per calendar year (months cannot be consecutive). If Skip-a-Payment fee funds are not available, offer is void.