
From checking and savings accounts that pay higher rates to credit cards that charge less, your money does more for you when you bank with us. And you can do it all online or on your mobile device.* Bank anywhere, anytime with our mobile app, loaded with tools, features and functionality. It’s the power of a branch, right there in your pocket.

We have checking accounts that check all the boxes.

Maybe you don't like the monthly fees your current bank charges, or the pennies you're earning in interest. Whether you're looking for high-yield checking that can earn you hundreds every year or a simple account with complimentary perks, LMCU makes it easy

Compare our checking accounts

We show your savings more interest.

A savings account is an investment in tomorrow. Whether you're saving for holiday shopping, college tuition, or just a rainy day, we have options. Get more interest on your savings and more interest in you.

Compare our savings accounts

Credit where credit is due.

We keep it simple with two great cards, each with no annual or balance transfer fees, and lots of other benefits. This makes choosing the credit card that's right for you simple.

Find the credit card that's right for you

*Third party internet/mobile/data fees may apply.