Access Credit Card Online
- Your Credit Card information is available online through Online Banking. You can see your balance, recent purchases, payment information, and make a payment. Your Credit Card information will appear under the Loans Summary.For assistance with accessing Online Banking, please call our Member Services Department at (616 or 800) 242-9790.
Card Purchase Denied
A Credit Card or Debit Card transaction might be denied for a variety of reasons such as: 1. Insufficient available funds. 2. Loan delinquency. 3. Merchant entered incorrect expiration date. 4. Card Status due to lost or possible fraud indicators. 5. Exceeding the number of allowed transactions in one calendar day. Visa Debit Cards can be used to make 15 purchases per day and there is a $200.00 daily ATM withdrawal limit**. The limits for credit cards are as follows: Visa Prime Platinum - 15 purchases per day. Visa Travel Plus - 20 purchases per day. Visa Max Rewards - 20 purchases per day. Business Credit Cards 20 purchases per day. These limits are based upon average usage for the card programs and are in place for security/fraud prevention reasons. A Card denied because of maximum transactions can be unlocked by our Card Services Department. During business hours please call (800) 242-9790 x 9737. **Your daily ATM withdrawal limit can be increased
Card Security
To protect our Visa Debit and Credit Cardholders, LMCU has a Security partner that puts Anti-Fraud programs in place. Security will look for transactions posting to your account that do not fit your normal usage patterns, i.e. larger dollar amounts, greater number of transactions, purchases outside of the area or unusual types of transactions. Security will then try to contact the cardholder to confirm the activity to ensure transactions are valid. If security is unable to contact the Cardholder by phone they will leave messages with call back numbers and mail letters. If the transactions happen to be unauthorized, Security will then cancel the card to prevent further charges. Security will then refer cardholders to contact LMCU Card Services to request a new card and to talk about process for reimbursement of those unauthorized charges. The financial safety of our Members is of utmost importance to Lake Michigan Credit Union. We are continually updating and upgrading our systems to change and strengthen our lines of defense to protect our Cardholders. If you still have questions, please feel free to call our Card Services Department at (800) 242-9790 x 9737.
Change PIN on a Debit/ATM Card
The PIN on a Debit/ATM card can be changed in Online Banking or on the Mobile App. You do not need the current PIN to make this change.
After logging in to Online Banking, click on ‘Debit RePIN’ on the right-hand side (under ‘Quick Links’) and follow the instructions.
For LMCU's Mobile App, sign in and select 'Cards' from the main menu located in the upper left. Select Debit Card RePin and follow the instructions.
Please note: LMCU staff members do not have the ability to see, or change your PIN. If you are not able to access Online Banking or the Mobile App, we would be happy to assist you in person at any of our branch locations. You can also contact us at (616 or 800) 242-9790 to have a PIN reminder mailed to you.
Debit or Credit Card Transaction Dispute
If an incorrect or unauthorized transaction posts to your account, you must attempt to resolve the error with the merchant first. If you are unable to reach the merchant or they are unable to help you, you can file a dispute with LMCU. If the charge in question is fraudulent or unauthorized, you are required to close your card and have a new card issued to avoid future charges from that merchant. To dispute a debit card transaction, we need your signature on a Dispute form. This form can be filled out at any of our branch locations. You may also contact our Member Services Department at (616 or 800) 242-9790 or send an email to [email protected] to have it mailed or emailed to you. You can also start a dispute by logging in to Online Banking, clicking on your Checking account and then choosing 'Debit/Credit Card Dispute' on the right-hand side. If you have any questions in regards to a charge, please call our Card Services Department at (800) 242-9790 x 9737.
Lost or Stolen Debit or Credit Card
If your debit or credit card is lost or stolen, please report it immediately to prevent unauthorized use.
Contact our 24/7 Toll-Free Lost/Stolen number: 866-304-8684.
A new card and new PIN will be ordered and should arrive by mail in about 7-10 business days.
If you have questions, or need to dispute any unauthorized transactions, please contact our Member Services Department at (616 or 800) 242-9790.
If your debit or credit card is lost or stolen, please report it immediately to prevent unauthorized use.
VISA Payment
There are several ways to make a payment on your LMCU VISA:
1. Use the Online Banking ‘Transfer’ menu.
2. To Pay from another FI use the ACH CC Payments option via Online Banking.
3. At any branch.
4. Via phone with our Member Services Department at (616 or 800) 242-9790.
5. Mail a payment to: LMCU PO Box 2848 Grand Rapids MI 49501
There are several ways to make a payment on your LMCU VISA: