Mobile & Text Banking

  • eAlerts

    • To sign up for eAlerts:

      1. Log in to Online Banking
      2. Go to the 'Services' tab
      3. Click on 'Setup or Modify eAlerts'
      4. Choose the alert type
      5. Click on 'Add Subscription'

      Please note that all standard data and text message rates from their carrier do apply as determined by your plan.

Mobile Banking

  • Cost to use Mobile App

    • There are no fees for our App; however, your carrier’s standard data and text message rates apply.
  • Mobile App

    • Our Mobile App is available for Android and iPhones. For Apple users: download from the App Store. For Android users: download on Google Play. First-time users may register in the app. If you are already registered, please use your Online Banking username and password to log in.

  • Mobile Banking Does Not Work

    • On rare occasions, a user may experience issues with entry fields or viewing text and graphics. If this happens, first turn your phone off and then on again. If the problem persists, try clearing out the internet cache on your phone. Explanations on how to do this is in your phone’s instruction manual or check with your carrier for more information.
  • Security

    • Our mobile app is completely secure as it provides the same level of secure encryption as offered by a personal computer connected to Online Banking.
  • Text Banking vs Mobile App

    • Text Banking uses text messaging. It provides quick and simple access to balance, payment and due date information. You request information, by text message, to be sent back to you in a text message. The LMCU Mobile App allows you to do more things like view transaction history, make payments and transfer funds.
  • Travel Notices

    • Set travel notices in online banking or on the mobile app to let LMCU know when your cards may show transactions outside of your usual geographical area, and help avoid potential fraud alerts. To set up within Online Banking: click Services, Account Services, then Add Travel Notice. To set up on the Mobile App: tap Main Menu, Cards, then Travel Notice. Enter your departure and return dates, type of travel, destination and click submit.

Text Banking

  • About Text Banking

    • Text Banking is a simple way to get balance and transaction information in real time. Simply text a command to 695628 and we’ll text you a response with the requested information. For example, if you text BAL to 695628, we'll text you back with information on all your share and loan accounts. Get started by signing in to Online Banking, then click to enroll in Text Banking and agree to the applicable terms and conditions.
  • Commands Menu

    • A message of BAL - returns all your account balances. A message of BAL Sxx or BAL Lxx - returns your Shares or Loans xx balance. A message of SHARES - returns your Share balances. A message of LOANS - returns your Loan balances. A message of MTG - returns your Mortgage balances. A message of COMMANDS or MENU - returns a help menu
  • Cost to Use Text Banking?

    • LMCU offers Text Banking free of charge. However, your mobile carrier’s standard data and text message rates apply. Please check with your provider for specific details.
  • Devices Supported

    • Text Banking does not support VOIP, international numbers and many prepaid phones. Additionally, some mobile service providers or plans do not support text messaging, which is needed for Text Banking.
  • Help with Text Banking

    • Text Menu to 695628 to receive a text containing the menu options or call Member Services at 800.242.9790.
  • Is any personal information exchanged?

    • Text responses include your balance and transaction information but do not include your full account number, PIN, email or personal address, your Online Banking ID or Password. Plus, you can only access your account from the mobile numbers you have enrolled.
  • Lost or Stolen Mobile Phone

    • Cancel Text Banking immediately. There are two ways to do this: 1. Call Member Services at 1.800.242.9790 2. Log in to Online Banking and click on 'Services', then click on 'Text Banking' (under Account Services section) and follow the prompts to remove a phone number. If you later find your mobile device, you can re-enroll that same mobile number.
  • Multiple Messages Received in Response

    • Sometimes we are unable to send all the information you've requested in one message. Because text messages are limited to a certain number of characters, we may send multiple text messages when the response exceeds this limit.
  • Phone Number and/or Carrier Changes

    • If you change your number, you'll need to visit Online Banking and edit your phone number within the Text Banking menus. If you keep the same number, but change to a new mobile service provider, you'll need to sign in to Online Banking, remove your number then re-enroll your number.
  • Response Time

    • Typically, responses take less than a minute but exact response rates vary by mobile carrier and network traffic.
  • Sign up for Text Banking

    • To sign up for Text Banking: 1) Login to Online Banking and select 'Services'. 2) Under 'Account Services' choose 'Text Banking and follow the instructions to register a phone number
  • Text Balancing Contact Number

    • Send texts to 695628. Many users find it convenient to set-up 695628 as a contact in their address book for quick and easy access.
  • Text Banking vs Mobile App

    • Text Banking uses text messaging. It provides quick and simple access to balance, payment and due date information. You request information, by text message, to be sent back to you in a text message. The LMCU Mobile App allows you to do more things like view transaction history, make payments and transfer funds.